Here we come!

3 Jan by Sandy B.ⳬ

Here we come!

Hello, ANCHOR Family! I feel like 2019 snuck up on me! How about you? Do you feel ready? Prepared? Equipped? Maybe you did great and planned your semester during the quiet hours of your holiday season (quiet??). But me? I pretty much just put all of school-related stuff aside and tried to enjoy my family and whatever free time we had to do NOTHING. I feel refreshed, though. So, as unprepared as I am, it was worth doing nothing to get this refreshed feeling. (I write this as I get interrupted by a screaming child whose fork was “stolen”. Gotta love that.)

As unprepared and unequipped as I feel, I am reminded that I am ultimately not in charge. That He has this and everything under control. That His power is greater in my weakness. Isn’t that a comforting feeling? So, as we prepare to face this new semester of challenges, adventures, learning and growing, let me remind you as well of Who you do this all for. Enjoy your little disciples and remember that THESE are the good old times.

I really can’t wait to see you all again and have our kids together again. ANCHOR is a family and we truly love to be together. With this group we have found friendship, support, encouragement, happiness, faith, forgiveness and grace. It is such a blessing to go through life with YOU.

Here is a brief overview of what we have planned for this semester, in addition to our Park Days, Clubs and Co-Op classes. I hope you can participate in lots of activities so we can be together!

*Suncoast Youth Conservation Center Field Trip; Recycling Presentation; Creative Arts Festival; Spirit Nights; Valentine’s Banquet; Tampa History Center Field Trip; Glazer Children’s Museum; Field Day; Skate World Field Trip; Raymond James Stadium Field Trip; Manatee Village Field Trip; Easter Egg Hunt; Career Fair; Gamble PLantation Field Trip; Mothers’ Day Event; Medieval Times Field Trip*

*ANCHOR membership is required to join our field trips and events. Check our calendar for more information on each event and sign up early. If you are not a member yet, sign up here.



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