Child Training Covenant
I now covenant to do my part to train and guide the children of the ANCHOR Home School Group. When I see a child that is misbehaving or showing a lack of respect for God, others, or the church facilities, I will verbally correct that child in love and help him or her to understand what he or she has done wrong. I will not hesitate to inform a child’s parents of any action that might need their further attention.
As a parent, I will covenant with God to bring my children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I will expect my children to be respectful to God, adults, peers, the church facilities and God’s world. I encourage other adults in the ANCHOR Home School Group to correct my child verbally in love, when it is necessary, and to inform me of any misbehavior on my child’s part.
I enter into a partnership with the other parents and families of this group that we might lead our children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and guide them in their daily walk with the Lord.