ANCHOR Homeschool Co-op
Registrations for the 2024 Fall semester of Co-Op classes open on April 25th for current members, and May 16th for new members.
ANCHOR Homeschool membership is required to be part of the co-op. Classes will be available for nursery through middle school on Thursdays from 9:45am-10:45am, followed by an optional martial arts class (separate fee required) and park time, for 12 weeks. Parents are expected to teach as a team or individually. Co-op Fees are $10 per child. NOTE: This co-op requires a commitment. Please only join if you know you can be present and prepared each week.
Contact for Co-op for Fall 2024: Kim Gervais (Co-Op Director),
Fall 2024 start date: August 29th. End date: November 14th.
Co-Op Orientation: August 22nd.
What is Co-op?
Co-op is a structured learning time, organized and carried out by and for ANCHOR Homeschool members. The purpose of Co-op is to encourage students to learn something new in a group setting, while fostering a sense of community.
Who is Co-op For?
Co-op is for families who are members of ANCHOR Homeschool with school-aged children and their younger siblings.
Where Do We Meet?
ANCHOR Homeschool Co-op meets in the southshore area.
What Types of Classes are Offered at Co-op?
Classes are offered on a wide range of topics, often extra-curricular in nature, sometimes taking advantage of a group setting, and are not intended to replace or supplant the academic track that families have in place. Each semester’s classes are determined by what participating families choose to offer.
Here are the classes offered during the 2024 Fall semester (classes are still being planned and are subject to change):
Co-Op Classes (9:45am, Thursdays):
Pre K- Seasons/Holidays/Weather
K/1st/2nd – STEAM
3rd/4th – Exploring National Parks (U.S. Geography)
5th/6th – Exploring National Parks (U.S. Geography)
Middle School – Logic
Here is a great list of Co-Op Class ideas! Our Co-Op Director will work with you to determine a great class for you to teach!
How to Sign Up for Co-Op Classes
If you are already a member (2024-2025 membership), sign up for Co-Op classes below. Otherwise, start your membership process here and then fill out the Co-Op form below.
Family Expectations for Co-op Time
The general expectation is that one adult from each family will teach a class individually or as part of a teaching team.