Cards for a Cause

10 Oct by Sandy B.ⳬ

Cards for a Cause

Dear ANCHOR family,

Our fundraiser is here! This is a fun way to raise funds for all our ANCHOR activities and still keep our membership cost low, so your help is extremely important.
We are selling Cards for a Cause. These are greeting cards for different occasions – 4 different choices to pick from. They come in a beautiful box and the cards are wonderful quality. There are 30 cards in a box, at minimum (the Holiday box has 50!), so that is $1 per card or less.

This is how it works:

1. Print the order form and flyer from your email.
2. Get your family and friends to order their favorite boxes. Write it down on the order form.
3. Collect payment for all your orders.
4. Turn your order form and payment (cash or check) to ANCHOR on October 21.
5. We will turn all orders and payment in and see WHICH FAMILY SOLD THE MOST BOXES.
6. The winner will win next year’s membership for ANCHOR (a $30 value) and dinner on us (Papa John’s $25 gift card)!!
7. Boxes will be delivered to ANCHOR within 2 weeks after we order them. Pick them up and distribute them to your friends and family.

We appreciate your participation in this fundraiser and can’t wait to see who will sell the most! Get your kids involved. Share on social media. Knock on your neighbor’s door. Have fun! 🙂

PS: This link has a video showing how the boxes look like and the cards in them:

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