God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle?

30 Jan by Sandy B.ⳬ

God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle?

by Ashley Morrisson

I’m 18 years old, unmarried, and pregnant…

Patrick was 20 months old when a doctor finally listened to 22 year old me that something might be wrong with my baby…

I am alone with 3 children, my husband is deployed, I am hospitalized for Postpartum depression…

I was about 4 months pregnant with John Boy going in for an ultrasound when we spotted for the first time what would later be his kidney problems…

Any of these life altering events could start this devotion and bring forth so many tears. What they all had in common was a little “helpful” statement:

“God doesn’t give you more than you can handle!”

Which would then be followed up by:

“You’re Sooooo STRONG I don’t know HOW you do it!”

My response in my head: “I didn’t know I had a choice.”

Life is messy, I am NOT strong. Have you ever been through something life altering, a fright train you never saw coming? People mean well, most don’t know how to help and they fall back to their default setting and the seemingly benign blanket statement meant to encourage that God created you strong enough to endure the challenges of this life. Somehow we as Christians posses super human strength and nothing is supposed to touch us. But, what if we have got it all wrong?

“And He has said to me,

“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”

Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses,

so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Huh, “The Power of Christ”? But if God doesn’t give me more than I can Handle where does “The Power of Christ” come into play? This sweet sentiment eliminates the need for God from the situation entirely. What if there is an alternative we’ve been missing? What if there is a deep hunger and a testimony to been seen through those train wrecks? What if….

“God doesn’t give you more than HE can handle.”

What a weight that simple statement lifts!! We were NEVER meant the “handle” the things of this life, not alone anyway.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever…” Psalm 76:26

We find ourselves in situations, lets be real, we find ourselves living our worst nightmares. God doesn’t come running when we finally remember to call on Him. Rather He tightens His grip on our hand because He was there the whole time, then wraps His arms around us, whispers “I’ve got this” and carries us through!

“But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;

I have made the Lord God my refuge,

That I may tell of all Your works.” Psalm 76:28

I am NOT Strong, but My God IS! So the next time you are faced with someone staring down a life altering event, don’t take God out of it. Remind them that we serve an AWESOME GOD and

“He doesn’t give us more than HE can handle!”

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