Co-Op News

15 Jul by Sandy B.ⳬ

Co-Op News

Our Co-Op Classes are on planning mode! Here are some updates for you as you prepare to join our fun and engaging classes:

  • Deadline for registration and payment is August 13th. Please, register as soon as possible so all classes can be planned and prepared.
  • Deadline to submit syllabus (your class plans): August 30th. Our Co-Op Director will be glad to help you select and plan.
  • Co-Op Orientation will be on August 30th. That’s when you will hear all the details of our day and will be able to ask any questions you might still have.
  • We will start our classes on September 13th and run for 9 weeks (except Columbus Day), ending on November 15th.  This means we will have 9 classes. Co-Op fees are $10 per child, per semester. High School optional drop off fee is $25 per student, per semester.
  • Our schedule is as follows:
            • 10am – Chapel time (prayer, pledges, announcements, devotional)
            • 10:15am to 11:15am – Class
            • 11:30 – 1pm – Park time (free play – bring a sack lunch to eat with friends and relax after class)
  • A NEW optional drop off class will be offered from 1:30pm to 2:10pm: Music Appreciation from a Biblical Worldview.
            • Ages: 1st through 4th grade.
            • Drop Off fee (payable to ANCHOR): $25 (one time)
            • Class cost (payable to the teacher): $100 per student (per semester).

We can’t wait to start and embark on a new semester of learning with friends! Make sure to fill our our registration form here for co-op classes, or here for our drop off class.

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